Baum Bros. Imports 26.4 manual Electrical energy

Models: 26.4

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Warning of special dangers

Any procedure impairing the safety at the machine must be refrained from. In particular do not

-reach into the range of knife and clamp, use auxiliary tools (e. g. material gauge)

-reach into the range between clamp and cutting material gauge (backgauge with rake) on the machine rear table

-with Autotrim function:

entering the opened table crack to remove residual cuttings. Only do that with the machine switched off.

-at machines with attached and/or separately installed peripheral equipment with lifting/swivelling/moving and/or clamping function:

do not enter or reach into the danger zone during movement (provide guard rail)

-The knife may only be changed by personnel especially instructed for this purpose

Electrical energy

Use only original fuses with the specified current rating. Switch off the machine/plant immediately if trouble occurs in the electrical system.

Work on the electrical system or equipment may only be carried out by a skilled electrician himself or by specially instructed personnel under the control and supervision of such electrician and in accordance with the applicable electrical engineering rules.

If provided for in the regulations, the power supply to parts of machines and plants, on which inspection, maintenance and repair work is to be carried out must be cut off. Before starting any work, check the de-energized parts for the presence of power and ground or short-circuit them in addition to insulating adjacent live parts and elements.

The electrical equipment of machines/plants is to be inspec- ted and checked at regular intervals. Defects such as loose connections or scorched cables must be rectified immedia- tely.

Necessary work on live parts and elements must be carried out only in the presence of a second person who can cut off the power supply in case of danger by actuating the emer- gency shut-off or main power switch. Secure the working area with a red-and-white safety chain and a warning sign. Use insulated tools only.

Before starting work on high-voltage assemblies and after cutting out the power supply, the feeder cable must be grounded and components, such as capacitors, short- circuited with a grounding rod.

Gas, dust, steam and smoke

Carry out welding , flame-cutting and grinding work on the machine/plant only if this has been expressly authorized, as there may be a risk of explosion and fire.

Before carrying out welding, flame-cutting and grinding operations, clean the machine/plant and its surroundings from dust and other inflammable substances and make sure that the premises are adequately ventilated (risk of explosi- on).

Observe any existing national regulations if work is to be carried out in narrow rooms.

Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment

Work on hydraulic equipment may be carried out only by persons having special knowledge and experience in hydraulic systems.

The pneumatic equipment at the machine must only be connected to plant compressed-air supply system secured against overpressure.

Check all lines, hoses and screwed connections regularly for

leaks and obvious damage. Repair damage immediately. Splashed oil may cause injury and fire.

Depressurize all systems sections and pressure pipes (hydraulic system, compressed-air system.

Hydraulic and compressed-air lines must be laid and fitted properly. Ensure that no connections are interchanged. The fittings, lenghts and quality of the hoses must comply with the technical requirements.

Oil, grease and other chemical substances

When handling oil, grease and other chemical substances, observe the product-related safety regulations.

Be careful when handling hot consumables (risk of burning or scalding)

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Baum Bros. Imports 26.4 manual Electrical energy