4. MTU
The MTU setting should never be changed unless your ISP gives you a specific MTU setting. Making changes to the MTU setting can cause problems with your Internet connection including disconnection from the Internet, slow Internet access, and problems with Internet applications working properly.
5. Disconnect after X….
The “Disconnect” feature is used to automatically disconnect the Router from your ISP when there is no activity for a specified period of time. For instance, placing a check mark next to this option and entering “5” into the minute field will cause the Router to disconnect from the Internet after five minutes of no Internet activity. This option should be used if you pay for your Internet service by the minute.
Setting your ISP Connection Type to
[European Countries Only]. Some ISPs require a connection using PPTP protocol, a type of connection most common in European countries. This sets up a direct connection to the ISP’s system. Type in the information provided by your ISP in the space provided. When you have finished, click “Apply Changes”. After you apply the changes, the Internet Status indicator will read “connection OK” if your Router is set up properly.