•Turn on main power switch and allow to heat to operating temperature. (Note: conveyor will not move until the oven is up to operating temperature and the donut ready light is on. See Figure
using the on switch located on the main control panel.
•After the donuts are thawed, place a screen of donuts from Thermolizer box to the infeed end of the Thermoglaze conveyor and allow the screen to travel through the oven and glazer. This takes approximately 3 minutes.
•When the screen of donuts is through the glazer and stopped forward travel, place the glazed product on a rack for cooling using the 2 delrin tray grips provided with the unit.
Figure 5-1. Oven Ready Light.
•Turn on the Thermolizer and heat for 30 minutes to allow it to reach operating temperature. See Thermolizer manual for more operating instructions.
•Load glaze reservoir with 40 pounds (one large bucket) of glaze and turn on the glaze pump.
•To swing the glaze trough back, turn off glaze pump, lift up on the mount slightly and rotate to the trough to the rear. (Optional Equipment) See Figure
Do not operate glazer without glaze or water in the pump. Doing so may cause permanent damage to the pump.
•After the donuts have been in the Thermolizer for at least 20 minutes (60 minutes for filled product), turn on glazer
To avoid burning yourself, never touch the Thermoglaze unit, conveyor, or interior of the oven while the machine is in use.
Thoroughly clean and dry the floor if water or other materials are spilled. Materials spilled on the floor may cause serious injury and loss of life.
Conveyor will automatically start when
Thermoglaze reaches operating temperature.
Donut screens are hot after coming out of the glazer and will burn you if you grab them without the handles.
Belshaw Bros., Inc. • 1750 22nd Ave. S. • Seattle, WA 98144 • Phone
8 | Thermoglaze 50 |