Phone Book | 20 |
Adding Contacts to the Phone Book | 20 |
Finding Contacts in the Phone Book | 23 |
Last Missed, Dialed, and Received Calls | 25 |
Operations During a Call | 26 |
27 | |
Using the Silent Profile | 30 |
Camera | 31 |
Shortcuts | 35 |
Using Shortcuts | 36 |
Messages | 37 |
SMS | 37 |
MMS | 44 |
SMS Chat | 49 |
Voicemail | 51 |
Cell Broadcast | 52 |
Memory Status | 53 |
Input Modes | 54 |
Predictive Input Mode (iTap) | 55 |
Letter Input Mode (ABC) | 56 |
Numeric Input Mode (123) | 56 |
Symbol Input Mode | 56 |
Direct Connection to URLs | 57 |
Using the Bluetooth | 58 |
Establishing Connection with Your Bluetooth Headset | 58 |
Organizing your Devices | 58 |
4. Menus | 59 |
viiiTable of Contents