Save Msg. to
Here you can determine whether a new message will be saved to the phone's memory or to your SIM card's memory.
Service Center No.
This feature allows you to save the message center's phone number for sending your messages. The messages that you send are sent to recipients through this message center.
Enter the message number provided by the network vendor.
After you are finished, press to confirm.
Bearer Mode
This can be set according to whether you are using a GPRS network system or a regular GSM dialup network. If you are using a GPRS network, you can use both the GPRS and dialup network to send and receive SMS messages. If however you are using a dialup network, you are restricted to using only the dialup network for sending and receiving SMS messages.
•GPRS: Use only the GPRS network to send and receive SMS messages.
•CSD: Use only the dialup network to send and receive SMS messages.
•GPRS Preferred: Use the GPRS network preferentially. Only if there is no GPRS network present will the dialup network be used.
•CSD Preferred: Use the dialup network preferentially. Only if there is no GPRS network will the GPRS network be used.