BenQ M315 user manual Using the Keys in the Standby Mode, Function keys

Models: M315

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Using the Keys in the Standby Mode

In this user manual, "long-press" means to press and hold down a key for about two seconds before release. "Press" means to press a key and release immediately.

The chart below is meant only to introduce the commands accessible with keys when the phone is in standby mode. For information on other key commands available in other operating modes, see the pertinent sections in this user manual.

Function keys

When any key is pressed, the phone will provide aural feedback through keypad tones. To activate or cancel this aural feedback, enter the menu Settings > Profiles. Scroll to the profile currently in

use and press (Edit). Then select Keypad Tone. You can also go to Settings > Audio > Keypad Tone to turn the aural feedback on or off. See page 82 and page 85.


Commands and functions



Power on/off key

Long-press to turn the phone on or off.

Press this key to reject incoming calls or cancel a call being dialed.

Send/Answer key

Press to send or answer a call.

Press to access the list of last missed/dialed/received calls.

OK key

Press to open up the main menu and show its first item.

Getting to Know Your Phone


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BenQ M315 user manual Using the Keys in the Standby Mode, Function keys