BenQ M315 Phone book entries on phone memory, Additional phone book entries on phone memory

Models: M315

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Phone book entries on phone memory

The contact's name.

The contact's mobile phone number.

The contact's home phone number.

Used to assign a contact to a caller group. Press to select a

group, and then press .

Used to set a ring tone for the contact. When there is an incoming call from the contact, the phone will play this ring tone.

A ring tone set in this field will replace the one associated with the contact's caller group, if any.

Used to set the photo that will appear on the phone's display when there is an incoming call from the contact.

The photo set in this field will replace the image associated with the contact's caller group, if any.

Additional phone book entries on phone memory

The contact's mobile phone number.

The contact's home phone number.

The contact's office phone number.

Other phone number for the contact.

The contact's email address.

The contact's home address.

Using Your Phone


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BenQ M315 user manual Phone book entries on phone memory, Additional phone book entries on phone memory