BenQ M315 Start Browser, Browsing a webpage, How to close the browser and end the online session

Models: M315

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Start Browser

Starts up the browser and connects to the homepage.

Browsing a webpage

Referring to the soft key commands at the bottom of the

screen, press and to perform needed tasks while

browsing a webpage. Press to scroll up or down a webpage. For details on browsing a webpage, inquire with the network operator providing WAP services.

How to close the browser and end the online session

„While online, press or long-press .

„If you are already viewing a WAP webpage, long-press or from the browser's menu select Exit.

WAP Message

When you receive a new WAP message, the status bar will show the

icon to remind you that you have an unread WAP message. Starts up the browser and displays the WAP inbox so you can read WAP messages.

Goto URL

Enter the URL of the webpage that you wish to browse, and then

scroll to the Go option and press (Go) to link to that URL.


Returns to the last webpage you viewed.

Menus 75

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BenQ M315 Start Browser, Browsing a webpage, How to close the browser and end the online session, WAP Message, Goto URL