further details regarding the outer barrier are provided in the Operation Notes and De- tails section (pages
Inner Roll Stop: NVL Series lift models are equipped with an automatic inboard roll stop that also serves as the bridge plate. The roll stop bridges the gap between the lift platform DQGWKHYHKLFOHÁRRU7KHLQ- ner roll stop/bridge plate auto- matically rotates from the hori- zontal position to the vertical position as the lift lowers and raises. Further details regard- ing the automatic mechanical inboard roll stop are provided on pages 18 and 19.
Lift Terminology
Vehicle and Lift Interlocks
Braun Corporation NVL Series lifts comply fully with all NHTSA vehicle and lift interlock speci- ÀFDWLRQV9HKLFOHPRYHPHQWLV prohibited unless the lift is fully stowed and the lift will not func- tion unless the vehicle is parked and secured.
The NVL features a visible and audible threshold warning system that will activate if the threshold area is occupied when the platform is one inch or more EHORZÁRRUOHYHO
The inner roll stop and outer barrier sense weight to prohibit lift operation. The lift will not
function if the inner roll stop or outer barrier are occupied. The lift platform cannot be folded (stowed) if occupied.
The inner roll stop features a locking mechanism that prohibits the platform from lowering if the lock does not engage. The lift platform cannot be raised more than 3" above ground level un- less the outer barrier is in the vertical position.
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