9Select the “Start up the Change Baud

Rate Wizard” check box, and then click [Next].

The Change Baud Rate Wizard (Brother PT-9500PC) dialog box appears.

0Select the appropriate Serial Port, and then click [Next].

A dialog box to select the desired baud rate appears.

aSelect the desired baud rate, and then click [Next].

Select 115,200 bps for the serial port baud rate using a personal computer that supports a baud rate of 115,200 bps. If the personal computer does not support a serial port baud rate of 115,200 bps, select the appropriate baud rate.

A dialog box to confirm the baud rate settings appears.

bClick [Next].

The baud rate will be set.

When the baud rate settings are complete, the PT-9500PC and personal computer can communicate using the serial port.

The dialog box to indicate installation is complete appears.

cRemovedrive. the CD-ROM from the CD-ROM