
If the fabric is pulled or pushed during sewing, the pattern may not turn out correctly. Also, depending on the pattern, there may be movement to the left and right as well as front and back. Guide the fabric with your hand to keep the fabric feeding straight and even during sewing.

ePresssewing.the “Start/Stop” button to stop

fPress the “Reverse Stitch” button or “Reinforcement Stitch” button to sew reinforcement stitches.


When sewing character stitches, the machine automatically sews reinforcement stitches at the beginning and end of each character.

When sewing is completed, trim any excess thread between letters.


When sewing some patterns, the needle will temporarily pause in the raised position while the fabric is fed due to the operation of the needle bar separation mechanism which is used in this machine. At such times, a clicking sound different from the sound generated during sewing will be heard. This sound is normal and is not the sign of a malfunction.

Making Adjustments

Your stitch pattern may sometimes turn out poorly, depending on the type or thickness of fabric, the stabilizer material used, sewing speed, etc. If your sewing does not turn out well, sew trial stitches using the same conditions as the real sewing, and adjust the stitch pattern as explained below. If the pattern does not turn out well even after making

adjustments based on thepattern, make
adjustments for each pattern individually.


and selecton 19/21.
