After the printed envelope comes out of the printer, the printer will wait until you put in the next
envelope. Repeat Step 5 for each envelope you want to print.
After you fini sh the print job, close the face-up output tray.
■Make sure the envelope is straight as you i nsert it sideways in the manual feed tray. If it is not,
the envelope may not be fed properly, resulting in a skewed printout or a jam.
■Do not put more than one envelope in the manual fe ed tray at the same time, or it may cause a
■Put the envelope in the manual feed tray with the side to be printed face up.
■If you pu t a ny Media ( paper, tr ansparency and s o on) in t he manual feed tr ay befo re the print er
is in the Ready state, the media may be ejected without being pr inted on.
■Envelope joint s that are sealed by the manufactur er should be secure.
■All sides should be properly folded without wrinkles or creases.