Cont rol pane l buttons
The control panel but tons have the following fu nctions:
Cancel printing
If you press the Job Cancel but ton while prin ting, the printe r will immediately stop pr inting and wil l then
eject the paper.
If the pri nter is in Sleep mode, press the Go or Job Cancel button to wake the printer up and go to the
Ready state.
Form feed
If the yellow Status LED is on, press the Go button. The printer will print any data that is left in the printer
Error recovery
If ther e is an error , the print er will rec over automatical ly from some er rors. If an error is not automaticall y
cleared, press the Go button to clear the error, and then continue to use the printer.
If you want to repri nt a do cument that has just been printed, you can do this by pressin g and holdi ng
down the Go butto n until all four LEDs are lit and then release the Go button.