Software for Networks
BRAdmin Professional
The BRAdmin Professi onal software i s a utility f or managin g your Brother network enabled pr inters t hat
are running under Windows® 95/98 /Me, Windows NT® 4.0 and Windows® 2000/XP.
It allows you to easily configure and check the status of your prin ter on the network.
Driver Deployment Wizard
This installer includes the Windows® PCL driver and Brother network port driver (LPR and NetBIOS).
The administrator should set up the IP address, Gateway and Subnet with BRAdmin Professional before
using this soft ware.
If the administ rator then instal ls the printer driver and port driver using this software, the administrator
can save the fi le t o t he fi le server or send the fi le by E- mail t o use rs. The n, each u ser just cl ic ks that fil e
to have the printer dri ver, port driver, IP address, and so on, automatically copied to their PC.
Web BRAdmin
The Web BRAdmin software is designed to manage all LAN/WAN Brother network connected devices.
By installing t he Web BRAdmin server software on a computer runni ng IIS*, Admin istra tors with a Web
browser can connect to the Web BRAdmin server, which then communicates with the device itself.
Unlike the BRAdmin Professional software - which is designed for Windows® systems only - the Web
BRAdmin server software can be accessed from any c li ent computer with a web br owser that s upports
Java 2.
You can download the Web BRAdmin software from our web site at
IIS* = Internet Infor ma tion Server 4.0 or 5.0
Web BRAdmin and Internet In formation Server 4.0 is supported on the foll owing operating systems:
■Windows NT® 4.0 Server
Web BRAdmin and Internet In formation Server 5.0 is supported on the foll owing operating systems:
■Windows® 2000 Professional
■Windows® 2000 Server
■Windows® 2000 Advanced Server
■Windows® XP Professional
This section is for Windows®.
This section is for HL-5170DN.