8423 Hub Phone 1020 Iss.3 [1] 12/10/07 12:26 Page 70 Hub Phone 1020 – Issue 3 – Edition 1 – – 8423
What happens when I make emergency calls?
If you make an emergency call to 999 or 112 from your BT Broadband Talk line, the Hub will automatically use your standard telephone line. This is a safety measure to ensure the emergency services can identify your location, if necessary.
Emergency Location Information is captured and passed to the Emergency Services for use in the case of an emergency call being made via the service. The location information captured is limited to the address of the BT telephone line.
Important: if there’s a power failure, your BT Hub Phone and/or DECT cordless phone will not work. Alternative arrangements should be made for access to emergency services. We recommend your primary telephone line is maintained for contacting emergency services.
What happens to service in the event of power or network failure?
Your service may cease to function if there is a power cut or broadband connection failure. Access to Emergency services is provided but calls including ermergency calls to 999 or 112 made via BT Broadband Talk may not work in the event of power or broadband connection failure. These failures may becaused by reasons outside our control. Location information, provided to the emergency services, is limited to the address of the associated telephone line where applicable. BT does not currently support number portablilty.
BT Hub Phone Helpline
If you are having difficulties using your BT Hub phone 1020 check www.bt.com/broadbandtalk for support and advice. You can also call the dedicated Helpline on 0845 600 7030. Lines are open 24 hours, 7 days a week.