Adding short code functions.
▼ ▲ OK
•Use the UP or DOWN option to highlight INSERT FUNCTION.
•Press OK to display a list of functions.
•Use the UP or DOWN option to highlight the function you want.
•Press OK. The screen displays the character representing the function you want. See the following function table chart for the meaning of each character.
•Repeat the above five steps to add more functions.
Checking to see if the short cut duplicates one already stored.
•Use the UP or DOWN option to highlight CHECK DUPLICATE. The display tells you if the new short cut is a duplication of an existing short cut.
•If necessary use the GO BACK option. This returns you to the display so you can change the entry.
Saving the new shortcut.
•Use the UP or DOWN option to highlight SAVE ENTRY.
•Press CANCEL if you do not want to save.
•Press OK. Display shows all available short cuts.
•Press the END CALL button to return to standby.