IP (Internet Protocol) Address: A unique 32-
Infrastructure: A wireless network or other small network in which the wireless network devices are made a part of the network through the Access Point.
ISP (Internet Service Provider): A company that provides access to the Internet and other related services.
IV (Initialization Vector): The header section of an encrypted message packet.
LAN (Local Area Network): A group of com- puters and peripheral devices connected to share resources.
LED (Light Emitting Diode): The lights on a hardware device representing the activity through the ports.
MAC (Medium Access Control) Address: A unique number that distinguishes network cards.
Mbps (Mega Bits Per Second): A measure- ment of millions of bits per second.
MDI/X (Media Dependent Interface/Cross- over): Port on a network hub or switch that crosses the incoming transmit lines with the outgoing receive lines.
MHz (MegaHertz): One million cycles per second.
NAT (Network Address Translation): An inter- net standard that enables a LAN to use one set of IP addresses for internal traffic and a second set for external traffic.
NIC (Network Interface Card): An expansion card connected to a computer so the computer can be connected to a network.
Packet: A block of data that is transferred as a single unit, also called a frame or a block.
Packet Filtering: Discarding unwanted net- work traffic based on its originating address or its type.