FDDI port status view options are:
Connection State
The Connection State port display form indicates the port’s connection status:
•CON (connecting): the port is trying to establish a link, but has not yet been successful. Ports which are not connected and which have not been disabled by management will display this status.
•ACT (active): the port has been enabled by management and has successfully established a link.
•SBY (standby): the port has a physical link, but the SMT Connection Policy is prohibiting a logical connection to the ring because the attempted connection is illegal. FDDI protocol always forbids connecting two master ports; all other connections are theoretically legal, although some are not desirable. You can view the SMT Connection Policy by selecting the SMT Connection Policy option from the FDDI menu; for more information, see Chapter 4, FDDI Management.
•DIS (disabled): the port has been disabled by management; note that this status does not indicate whether or not there is a physical link connected to the port.
LER Estimate
The Link Error Rate (LER) Estimate port display form displays a cumulative long term average of the bit error rate, which represents the quality of the physical link. It is computed when the port is connected and every 10 seconds thereafter. The value of the LER Estimate can range from
Bit Errors
per Second
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reported LER Estimate
Figure 2-4. LER Estimate Values
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