∙Convert a location sent into a
See Section 5 – ‘Programming the Datalogger’.
3.3.2 Output Format Strings
These allow either just long strings to be sent from the
∙<space> Send ASCII space.
∙bn Send a binary number received from the datalogger to the port. ‘n’ can be
1, 2 or 3 bytes, i.e.
∙fn:n Send a
∙gn Error detection – start of signature calculation for transmitted data – see Section 6.
∙Gn Error detection – marks end of signature calculation for transmitted data
–see Section 6.
∙hn Send an ASCII hex number to the port. ‘n’ can be 1, 2 or 3 bytes converted, i.e. an
∙i[ ] Send the string between the brackets [ ] to the port. Up to 255 ASCII characters can be sent. (See Section 4.2 – Entering Commands).
∙J Send line feed.
∙M Send carriage return.
∙s Stop formatting.
∙zn Send a
Table 4, below, shows all the defined Fixed Strings.