WD n is a count of the number of watchdog resets, WDERR is the number of the last task that crashed and WDADDR is the address at which the crash was found.
This is the number of SDM commands the datalogger sent to the
These four sets of values are the current port settings in the order as below:
∙Baud rate setting
∙Data length setting
∙Stop bit setting
∙Parity bit setting
∙Handshake mode
∙Delay time value
∙Parity error count
∙Framing error count
∙Overrun error count
∙Line break error count
∙DTR handshake line status, 0=low 1=high
∙RTS handshake line status, 0=low 1=high
∙CTS handshake line status, 0=low 1=high
∙DSR handshake line status, 0=low 1=high
∙DCD handshake line status, 0=low 1=high
You should refer to the appropriate section of this manual for further specific detail.
hexdump [start address] [number of bytes]
This is used by Campbell Scientific for test purposes and outputs a hex dump of the
This resets all error counters.
bytewr [address] [byte]
This is used by Campbell Scientific for test purposes and writes a byte to the memory of the
The address and bytes to write must be in base 10, decimal integer. The address range is