Using Favorites (W indows)
This topic describes how to register favorites and print using favorite settings.

Registering a favorite

Follow the steps below to save the current print settings as a favorite.
1. Choose Print in the application menu.
2. Select the printer in the dialog box, and then display the printer driver dialog box. ( P .497)
3. Complete the print settings.
4. Click the Favorites tab to display the Favorites sheet.
5. Click HAdd to display the Add dialog box.
6. Complete the following settings in the Add dialog box.
Enter a desired name in Name , such as “Photos for Presentations” or “Monthly Report.”
Choose a tting icon for these print settings in the Icon list.
In Comment , enter a description of the favorite to be added, as desired.
7. Click OK to close the Add dialog box.
The favorite you have added is now displayed in AFavorites .
T o save a favorite as a le, click JExport and specify the le to save.
472 Software