
(Boldface: Default settings)


Does not use the Memory Lock mode.





Memory Lock PIN:

If you set a PIN, it will be necessary to enter the


PIN whenever you want to change the Memory




Lock mode settings, or cancel the Memory Lock











Print Report:

You can specify whether or not to print the


receive results when receiving a fax.

Off, On


You need to set also "Receive Results" to <On>.








If you specify <Set>, documents are received in


Memory Lock Time:

the memory only within a specified time.


Do Not Set, Set

Enter <Memory Lock Start Time> and <Memory



Lock End Time> respectively.




NOTE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Memory Lock PIN

If you do not want to set the PIN, press [OK] without entering any numbers.

You cannot register consecutive digits that consist of only "0" as a PIN, such as <0000000>.

If you register a number that starts from <0>, the PIN changes as follows.

Example: When you enter <02> or <002>, the PIN is specified as <0000002>.

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Address Book PINYou can specify a PIN for the address book.

When you specify a PIN, you need to enter the registered PIN before registering, editing, or deleting a destination.

How to display the settings

[ ] → <System Settings> → <Restrict Sending> → <Address Book PIN>


Enter a 7-digit number.Pressing [OK] without entering a number lifts the PIN restriction.Restrict New Destinations

Restrict the destinations that can be specified to already- registered one-touch keys or coded dial codes. You cannot perform the following operations if you activate the restriction function.

Specifying the destination using the numeric keys

Registering new destinations to the address book/one- touch keys/coded dial codes

Changing destinations which are registered in the address book/one-touch keys/coded dial codes

How to display the settings

[ ] → <System Settings> → <Restrict Sending> → <Restrict New Destinations>
Allow Driver Faxing

You can specify whether to permit sending of faxes from computer using the fax driver.

How to display the settings

[] → <System Settings> → <Restrict Sending> → <Allow Driver Faxing>


(Boldface: Default settings)


A fax cannot be sent from the fax driver.

On A fax can be sent from the fax driver.

Restrict Sending from HistoryYou can specify whether or not to restrict sending from a history.

How to display the settings

[ ] → <System Settings> → <Restrict Sending> → <Restrict Sending from History>


(Boldface: Default settings)

Off Sending from a history is permitted.


Sending from a history is not permitted.

Fax No. Confirmation Re-Entry

You can specify whether or not to display the screen for reentering the fax number when you are setting a send destination for a fax. You can confirm the destination is specified correctly by entering a fax number twice before sending a document.

How to display the settings

[ ] → <System Settings> → <Restrict Sending> → <Fax No. Confirmation Re-Entry>


(Boldface: Default settings)

Off Does not display the re-entry screen.


Displays the re-entry screen.

Restrict Sequential BroadcastYou can specify the restriction when sending a fax to multiple recipients.

How to display the settings

[ ] → <System Settings> → <Restrict Sending> → <Restrict Sequential Broadcast>


(Boldface: Default settings)


Allows you to send a fax to multiple recipients.


Displays a confirmation screen when you send a fax to


Functions Fax the Using



multiple recipients.

(Boldface: Default settings)

Reject Sequential

Off Does not perform restriction.


Does not allow you to send a fax to multiple recipients.


Performs restriction. Specifies destinations registered under the one- touch keys and coded dial codes.
