Troubleshooting Guide
No. | Problem | Probable Cause | Solution | Page |
1 | I cannot detach the Speedlite | The locking collar has not | Loosen the locking collar |
| from the camera. | been loosened enough to | completely to retract the | 13 |
| retract the locking pin. | locking pin. |
2 | The flash does not fire even | The Speedlite has not been | Mount the Speedlite properly |
| when I press the shutter | mounted properly on the hot | and securely on the camera. | 13 |
| button completely. | shoe. |
| The hot shoe contacts are | If the contacts are dirty, use a |
| dirty or the Speedlite’s | clean cloth to wipe them. | 13 |
| mounting foot contacts are |
| |
| |
| dirty. |
3 | After I turn on the Speedlite, | With the main switch set to | Press the shutter button |
| the pilot lamp turns off after a | SE, the Speedlite turns off | halfway or press the test | 16 |
| while. | automatically when it is not | firing button. | |
| |||
| used for 90 sec. |
4 | When I turn on the main | The wide panel is not fully | Retract the wide panel | 20 |
| switch, the entire display | retracted. | completely. | |
| 42 | |||
| blinks. |
| |
| |
| The wide panel has been | Retract the wide panel. | 20 |
| extended and the Speedlite is |
| |
| set for bounce flash. |
5 | When I press the shutter | The flash head has been | Except for | 43 |
| button halfway, the flash | tilted downward by 7°. | subjects, do not tilt the flash | |
| 92 | |||
| range bar segments blink. |
| head downward. | |
| ||
6 | I installed new batteries in the | Batteries have not been | Even when using an external |
| external power source, but | installed in the 550EX itself. | power source, be sure to | 10 |
| the flash still does not fire. | Or, the batteries in the 550EX | have good batteries in the | |
| |||
| are exhausted. | 550EX. |
7 | I installed new batteries in my | The batteries in the 550EX | Replace the batteries in the |
| external power source and | are exhausted. Disconnect | 550EX with new ones. |
| connected it to the Speedlite. | the external power source |
| When I turned on the power | and turn on the 550EX. If the |
| 10 |
| switch, the flash head | pilot lamp does not light |
| |
| ||
| zoomed automatically. Or the | within 30 sec., the 550EX’s |
| LCD panel display went out. | batteries are exhausted. |
8 | The flash picture looks dark | The subject was too close to | If the subject is 2 meters or |
| toward the bottom. | the camera. | closer, tilt the flash head |
| downward by 7°. | 43 |
| 92 |