Problems with Scanning
Scanner will not scan
Cause 1: Scanner not powered up
Solution: Securely connect the AC adapter to the scanner and the power cord to the electrical outlet, then restart the computer. (See Quick Start Guide)
Cause 2: | Scanning unit locked |
Solution: | Unlock scanning unit by setting lock switch to unlocked position (See p. 17) |
Cause 3: | Software incorrectly installed |
Solution: | Reinstall software (See Quick Start Guide) |
Cause 4: | For Windows: ScanGear |
| ScanSoft TextBridge Plus are insufficient by themselves to scan images. |
| ScanGear |
Solution: | Install ScanGear |
Cause 5: | For Macintosh: |
| Photoshop 5.0 LE is insufficient by itself to perform scans. |
| |
Solution: | Install |