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Canon Photographic Product International Service Network
Service of your Canon product will be provided at any of the listed authorized service facilities. Warranty service of products with international Warranty certificate (with the symbol EB for Canon International Warranty System indicated above) will be provided at the listed service facilities marked EB in areas other than the country or region where the product was purchased. You must present your warranty certificate when requesting repairs during the warranty period. If no certificate is presented, or if the warranty does not bear the place and date of purchase, you will be charged the cost of the repairs.
•Some types of repair may require that parts be ordered specially. In this event, the repairs may take longer than usual.
•The contents of this document are subject to change without notice.
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Weltweites Kundendienstnetz fur Canon Kameras
Ihr Canon Produkt wird bei jeder der aufgelisteten autorisierten Kundendienststellen gewartet und repariert. Garantieleistungen fUr Produkte mit der Internationalen Garantiekarte (gekennzeichnet mit dem Symbol EEl fUr das Internationale Canon Garantiesystem) erhalten Sie in anderen Gebieten als dem Land oder der Region, wo das Produkt gekauft wurde, bei den in der Liste mit EEl gekennzeichneten Kundendienststellen. Wenn Sie das Produkt wahrend der Garantiezeit zur Reparatur geben, mOssen Sie Ihre Garantiekarte vorlegen. Wenn Sie keine Garantiekarte vorlegen oder wenn die Garantiekarte nicht den Ort und das Datum des Kaufs tragt, werden Ihnen die Kosten der Reparatur in Rechnung gestellt.
•~inige Arten von Reparaturen kbnnen die Bestellung spezieller Teile erfordern. In diesem Fall kann die Reparatur langer als normal dauern.
•Anderungen des Inhalts dieses Dokuments sind ohne VorankOndigung vorbehaiten.
Reseau International des Services Canon
Votre appareil Canon pourra etre repare dans un des centres de service
•Certaines reparations peuvent necessiter des commandes de piecesspeciales. Dans ce cas, elles peuvent durer plus longtemps que prevu.
•Le contenu de ce document peut faire I'objetde modifications sans preavis.
Rete Di Assistenza Internazionale Per Fotocamere Canon
L'Assistenzadel prodotto Canon acquistato sara fornita presso uno qualsiasi dei centri di assistenza autorizzati riportati nella lista.
L'assistenzain garanzia di prodotti con certificato di garanzia internazionale (con il simbolo EEl per il sistema di garanzia internazionale Canon sc;>pra indicato) sara fornita presso i centri di assistenza riportati nella Iista contrassegnati da EB in aree diverse dal paese 0 dalla regione in cui e stato acquistato iI prodotto. E necessario presentare il certificato di garanzia di cui si e in possesso quando si rechiedono prestazioni di assistenza durante il periodo di validita della garanzia. Se non si presenta il certificato, 0 se la garanzia non reca Ie indicazioni delluogo e della data di acquisto, la riparazione sara a pagamento.
•Per alcuni tipi di riparazione puC> essere necessario ordinare a parte i pezzi di ricambio. In questa caso, la riparazione richiedera piu tempo del normale.
•II contenuto di questa documento e soggetto a modifiche senza preavviso.
Sistema Internacional de Servicio de Camaras Fotograficas Canon
EI servicio de su producto Canon sera proporcionado por cualquiera de las instalaciones de servicio autorizadas mencionadas en la lista. EI servicio de garantfa de los productos con certificado de Garantfa Internacional (con el simbolo EEl del Sistema de Garantfa Internacional de Canon indicado arriba) sera proporcionado por las instalaciones de servicio que figuran en la Iista con la marca EB, en otras areas distintas del pafs 0 de la regi6n donde se adquiri6 el producto. Cualquier solicitud de reparaci6n durante el periodo de garantfa se realizara al presentar el certificado de garantfa debidamente Ilenado incluyendo ellugar y la fecha de compra, en caso de no ser as! la reparaci6n sera con cargo al c1iente.
•Algunos tipos de reparaciones podrfan requerir un pedido especial de repuestos. En tal caso, las reparaciones podrfan demorar mas de 10 habitual.
•Los contenidos de este documento se encuentran sujetos a cambios sin previa aviso.
| (*** ) - | Country & Area Code |
HEADQUARTERS | Phone: | (81 |
| *For service center location, please contact the phone number above. |
HONG KONG | EEl Canon HongKong Co. Ltd. - Domestic Sales Office | Phone: | ||
| 18/F The Metropolis Tower, 10 Metropolis Drive Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong | Fax: | ||
INDONESIA | EEl Pt. | Phone: | ||
| JI. Gaya Motor Barat, Sunter II Jakarta 14330, Indonesia | Fax: | ||
MALAYSIA | EEl Canon Marketing (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. | Phone: | ||
| Block D, Peremba Square, Saujana Resort, Section | Fax: | ||
| U2, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia |
| |
PHILIPPINES | EEl Canon Marketing (Philippines), Inc. | Phone: | ||
| Marvin Plaza Building, 2153 Don chino roces Ave. Makati City, Philippines | Fax: | ||
SINGAPORE | EEl Canon (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. | Phone: | ||
| 1 HarbourFront Avenue | Fax: | ||
TAIWAN | EEl Rainbow Photo & Image Co. Ltd. | Phone: | ||
| No. 20 Chiling Road, Taipei 10424, Taiwan | Fax: | ||
THAILAND | EEl Canon Marketing (Thailand) Co. Ltd | Phone: | ||
| 10th Floor, Bangkok City Tower, | Fax: | ||
VIETNAM | EEl NGOC Co. Ltd. | Phone: | ||
| 465 Vo Van Tan Street, Ward 5 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Fax: | ||
| |
| Phone: | (1 | |
| *For service center location, please contact the phone number above. |
| * Within US only | |
| ||
| |
| Phone: | (1 | |
| *For service center location, please contact the phone number above. |
| *Within Canada only | |
| ||
| |
HEADQUARTERS (Except Mexico) | Phone: | (1 | ||
| *For service center location, please contact the phone number or refer the URL above. |
| |
| ||
REGIONAL | CANON MEXICANA, S.DE R.L DE C.V. | Phone: | (01 | |
HEADQUARTERS Manuel Avila Camacho No. 138, PB Y pisos 15, 16 Y 17 Col. Lomas de | ||||
| *Within Mexico only | |||
| Chapultepec Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo, C.P.11000 Mexico, D.F., Mexico |
| ||
| (52)52494905 | ||
| *For service center location, please contact the phone number above or send an |
| ||
| Fax: | |||
| canonmx_soporte@cusa. canon. com | |||
| ... | ||
| (*** ) - | ||
| Country & Area Code | ||
| |
HEADQUARTERS | Bovenkerkerweg | Phone: | (31 | |
| 1180 EG Amstelveen, Th~ Netherlands |
| |
| *For general Inquiry only. For repair, please contact one of service center listed below. |
| |
AUSTRIA | EEl Canon Ges.m.b.H. | Phone: | 081 | |
| http://www.canon.at |
| (O,O&€/min) | |
BELGIUM | EEl Canon Belgium N.V. / S.A. | Phone: | ||
| http://www.canon.be |
| (O,O&€/min) | |
CANARY | EEl Chellsons S.A. | Phone: | ||
ISLANDS | Islands 57, La |
| |
| EEl Chellsons S.A. | Phone: | ||
| 23, Imeldo |
| ||
DENMARK | EEl Canon Denmark | Phone: | ||
| http://www.canon.dk |
| (0.25DKK/min) | |
FINLAND | EEl Canon Oy Ab | Phone: | ||
| http://www.canon.fi |
| (0.15€/min) | |
FRANCE | EEl Canon Communication & Image France SA | Phone: | ||
| http://www.cci.canon.fr |
| (0.15€/min) | |
GERMANY | EEl Canon Germany Regional Competence Center | Phone: | ||
| http://www.canon.de |
| (0.12'€/min) | |
GREECE | EEl Intersys Photo Service | Phone: | (30) 109554080 | |
| Volou7, 18346 Mosxato/Athens, Greece |
| ||
ICELAND | EEl Beco ehf | Phone: | ||
| Langholtsvegur 84, 104 Reykjavik, Iceland | Phone: | ||
IRELAND | EEl Canon Ireland Ltd. | |||
| http://www.canon.ie | Phone: | ||
ITALY | EEl Canon Italy Regional Competence Center | |||
| http://www.canon.it | Phone: | (0.019·€/min) | |
LUXEMBOURG | EEl Canon Luxembourg N.V. / S.A. | |||
| http://www.canon.lu |
| (0.12€/min) |
THE NETHERLANDS EEl Canon Netherland N.V
| http://www.canon.nl |
NORWAY | EEl Canon Norge AlS |
| http://www.canon.no |
PORTUGAL | EEl SEQUE Soc. Nac. De Equipe., Ltda. |
| Praca da Alegria, |
SLOVENIA | EEl 3A Servis |
| Zaloska c.161, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia |
SPAIN | EEl Canon Espana, S.A. |
| cl. Joaquin Costa, 41, 28002 Madrid, Spain |
SWEDEN | EEl Canon Nordic Regional Competence Center |
| http://www.canon.ch |
UNITED | EEl Canon UK Regional Competence Center |
KINGDOM | http://www.canon.co.uk |
IRAN | EEl Aphomar Co. Ltd. |
| 127, South Sohrevardi Avenue P.O. Box 11365/1167, Tehran, Iran |
ISRAEL | EEl Karat Israel Ltd. |
| 50 Anilevitch St, Tel Aviv 67060, Israel |
SAUDI ARABIA | EEl AIQuraishi Leisure Services |
| P.O. Box 1796, Jeddah 21441, Saudi Arabia |
SOUTH AFRICA | EEl Canon South Africa. |
| P.O. Box 1782 Halfway House 1685 Johannesburg, South Africa |
| *For service center location, please contact the phone number above. |
NEW ZEALAND | EEl Canon New Zealand Ltd. |
| Akoranga Business Park, Akoranga Drive Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand |
*Service facilities listed below are not "International Warranty Members".
They do not accept any warranty repair but may assist you when the repair charge is acceptable.
BRUNEI | • Interhouse Company |
| NO.5 & 6, Bunut Jaya Complex, Km 7 1/4, Jalan |
CAMBODIA | Tutong B.S.B. 2690, Negara Brunei Darussalam, Brunei |
• Royal Cambodia Co., Ltd | |
| 6th Floor, Royal Group Building, 246 Preah Monivong Boulevard, Phnom Penh, Cambodia |
CHINA | • Canon (China) Co., Ltd. |
INDIA | 1OF South Tower, Beijing Kerry Center, 1 Guang Hua Road, Chao Yang District, 10020, Beijing, China |
• Mahatta & Co. | |
| 59, M Block Connaught Circus New Delhi - 110001, India |
KOREA | • LG International Corp. |
| LG Twin Towers, 20, |
MYANMAR | • Accel International Co., Ltd. |
PAKISTAN | Level 6, FJV Commercial Centre, |
• Global Systems | |
| |
SRI LANKA | • Homebase (Pvt.) Limited |
| NO.85 Braybrooke Place, Colombo 02, Sri Lanka |
NEPAL | • Primax International Inc. |
| 3rd Floor, Maitry Bhavan, New Road, Kathmandu, Nepal |
CZECH Rep. | • Canon CZ S.R.O. |
| 160 00 Praha 6, Czech Rep. |
| • A WH service |
| Milesovska 1, 130 00 Praha 3, Czech Rep. |
CIS | • Canon Representative Office |
HUNGARY | Kosmodamianskaya nab. 52, Building 3, 5th Floor 113054 Moscow, CIS |
• Camera Kft | |
MALTA | Somogy 1, Bela u. 10, 1085 Budapest, Hungary |
• P. Cutajar | |
| P.O. Box 38, Birkirhara BKR01 Notabile Road, Mriehel, Malta |
POLAND | • Canon Polska SP.Z.O.O. |
| ul. Raclawicka146, |
| • CSI Foto Video |
SLOVAKIA | ul. Zytnia 15, |
• Pro Laika | |
| Radlinskeho 26, 811 07 Bratislava, Slovakia |
CYPRUS | • NT. Kakoyiannis/Paroutis Electronics Ltd. |
| 115 Omonias Avenue Paroutis Building, 3045 Limassol, Cyprus |
KUWAIT | • Naser Mohammed, AI Sayer Comm.Co. |
| P.O. Box 974 Safat 13008, Kuwait |
UAE | P.O. Box 3139, Ruwi 112, Oman |
• Khoory Electronics | |
LEBANON | P.O.Box 284 Dubai, UAE |
• Image System sal | |
| 460 Corniche |
Phone: | |
| (0.13€/min) |
Phone: | |
| (0.24NOKimin) |
Phone: | (351 )213242830 |
Phone: | |
Phone: | |
Phone: | |
| (0.23SEKimin) |
Phone: | |
| (0.20CHF/min) |
Phone: | |
| (7.91£/min) |
Phone: | |
Phone: | |
Phone: | |
| 6970652 |
Phone: | (27) |
(*** ) - | Country & Area Code |
Phone: | (61 |
Fax: | (61 |
Phone: | |
Phone: | |
Phone: | (855)23426414 |
Fax: | (855)23426024 |
Phone: | (86) |
Fax: | (86) |
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Fax: | (91 |
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Phone: | (951 |
Fax: | (951 |
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Fax: | |
Phone: | (941 )12437797 |
Fax: | (941) 12448980 |
Phone: | (97) |
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Phone: | |
Phone: | (7)0952585600 |
Phone: | (36) 12668085 |
Phone: | (356)448466 |
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Phone: | (968)706153 |
Phone: | (971 |
Phone: | (961 |