Quick Start Guide
Log in
Log in
After successful connection, via telnet or HyperTerm, the user must login. Default Logins are: Login: admin
Password: admin123
After successful login the prompt will be displayed as follows: Adit 3500>
NOTE: It is recommended that you change your password from the default.
Key Enabled Software Features
The Adit 3500 has additional features that are not provided on the base system. These features can be purchased with the product or added later as needed. These features are enabled via a Software Key (example: G.729). The number of keyed features may expand with the development of the product, therefore to see a list of current keyed features, or to purchase a key, contact Carrier Access Customer Service or Sales.
To enter a software key, use the following CLI command:
Syntax: (config)# key
Example: (config)# key cxusdfutkj3diosn412C
NOTE: Keys may only be entered through the CLI (not through the GUI).
The Key Enabled Software Features are displayed on the Advanced/Technical Information window.
Adit 3500 - Release 1.6 | 25 |