7.Round of Premium or Discount operation:
Rounding on the least significant digit of Premium or Discount registration.
8.Restrict (0 or 5) on the last digit for amount entry:
The least significant digit for monetary amount entries is restricted to 0 or 5.
9.Money declaration compulsory:
Money declaration before daily read/reset operation or colection/consolidation opera- tion (inline money declaration) is mandatory or not.
10.ST compulsory:
ST key operation before finalization is mandatory or not.
11.Allow finalization operation when subtotal is zero or less:
Allow/prohibit finalization operation when the subtotal amount is zero or less.
12.Allow more than one transaction in RF mode:
Prohibit/allow multiple refund operations after entering the RF mode.
13.Issue Post receipt when normal receipt is issued: Allow/prohibit post receipt after a normal receipt issuance.
14.Allow numeric entries when compulsory drawer is open:
Allow/prohibit numeric entries when drawer (compulsory drawer only) is opened.
15.Alarm when actual stock less than zero:
Error occurs when actual stock for a registered item becomes negative.
16.Error when actual stock less than minimum stock level:
Error occurs when actual stock for a registered item drops below its programmed optimum stock value.
17.Perform stock QTY calculation during RF mode or RF key: Affect to stock value during RF key and the RF mode operation.
18.Delete RF items from guest receipt when its consolidation is on: Merge the same department/PLU registration of a guest receipt.
19.Use YES key to select item:
Pressing the <YES> key is required when you select an item. If “No” is selected, <YES> key is not necessary to press.