Field meaning

1.Print additional items only:

Slip printing begins with “At the top of the transaction (Entire memory)/At the top of this receipt (Additional only).”

2.Slip Maximum Line (00 ~ 99)

Note: This line should be set.

3.Back feed after slip Print/Back feed after VLD Print/Back feed after CHK-END/PRT: These lines are only effective for SP-1300.

4-1-5-11 Programming the journal control




General Feature
















General Feature








9.Hourly Sales







10.SLIP / Guest








11.Journal Control








12.Message Control








13.Order Control








14.Set Menu/Condiment








15.CHK Tracking








16.Clerk Interrupt



























































Journal Control







Storage of TRG Operation into














Generate E-Journal full error































Field meaning

5. Select “11. Journal Control” and press the <YES> key.

6.Select the field you want to change and press the <YES>/ <NO> key or enter the numeric value and press the <YES> key.

7.After programming, you should press the <ESC> key to return to the previous menu.

1.Storage of TRG operation into electronic journal memory:

Put training clerk registration data into electronic journal memory.

2.Generate E-Journal full error:

Alert when the electronic journal memory becomes full/Not alert even if the electronic journal memory becomes full..

QT-2100 Programming Manual
