Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Reference Manual, R5.0
April 2008
Chapter4 Optical Cards
4.11.3 OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 Port-Level Indicators

4.11.3 OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 Port-Level Indicators

You can find the status of the OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 card ports using the LCD screen on the
ONS 15454 SDH fan-tray assembly. Use the LCD to view the status of any port or card slot; the screen
displays the number and severity of alarms for a given port or slot. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH
Troubleshooting Guide for a complete description of the alarm messages.
4.12 OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 Card
The OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 card provides one short-range, ITU-T G.707- and G.957-comp liant,
SDH STM-64 port per card. The port operates at 9.95328 Gbps over unamplified distances up to 40 km
with SMF-28 fiber limited by loss and/or dispersion. The card supports concatena ted or nonconcatenated
payloads on a VC-4 basis, as well as VC-4, VC-3, and VC- 12 payloads.
Caution You must use a 3 to 15 dB fiber attenuator (5 dB recommended) when working with the
OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 card in a loopback. Do not use fiber loopbacks with the
OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 card. Using fiber loopbacks can cause ir reparable damage to the
OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 card.
Table4-12 OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 Card-Level Indicators
Card-Level LED Description
Red FAIL LED The red FAIL LED indicates that the card’s processor is not ready. The FAIL
LED is on during reset and flashes during the boot process. Repla ce the card
if the red FAIL LED persists.
Green (Active)
Amber (Standby)
If the ACT/STBY LED is green, the card is operational and re ady to carry
traffic. The amber ACT LED indicates that the card is in standby mode or is
part of an active ring switch (BLSR).
Amber SF LED The amber SF LED indicates a signal failure or condition such as LOS, LOF,
or high BERs on one or more of the card’s ports. The amber SF LED is also
on if the transmit and receive fibers are incorrectly connected. If the fibers
are properly connected and the link is working, the light tur ns off.