Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Reference Manual, R5.0
April 2008
Chapter10 Circuits and Tunnels
10.2.3 Circuit Protection Types
10.2.3 Circuit Protection Types
The Protection column on the Circuit window shows the card (line) and SDH topology (path) pro tection
used for the entire circuit path. Table 10- 2 shows the protection type indicators that appear in this
10.2.4 Circuit Information in the Edit Circuit Window
The detailed circuit map on the Edit Circuit window allows you to view information about
ONS 15454 SDH circuits. Routing information that appears includes:
Circuit direction (unidirectional/bidirectional)
The nodes, VC4s, VC3/TUG3, TUG2s, and VC12s through which the circuit passe s, including slots
and port numbers
Table10-2 Circuit Protection Types
Protection Type Description
1+1 The circuit is protected by a 1+1 protection group.
2F MS-SPRing The circuit is protected by a two-fiber MS-SPRing.
4F MS-SPRing The circui t is protected by a four-fiber MS-SPRing.
2F-PCA The circuit is routed on a protection channel access (PCA) pa th on a two-fiber
MS-SPRing; PCA circuits are unprotected.
4F-PCA The circuit is routed on a PCA path o n a four-fiber MS-SPRing; PCA circuits are
DRI The circuit is protected by a dual-ring interconnection.
MS-SPRing The circuit is protected by both a two-fiber and a four-fiber MS-SPRing.
N/A A circuit with connections on the same node is not protected.
PCA The circuit is routed on a PCA path on both two-fiber and four-fiber MS-SPRings;
PCA circuits are unprotected.
Protected The circuit is protected by diverse SDH topologies, for example, an MS-SPRing and
an SNCP, or an SNCP and a 1+1 protection group.
SNCP The circuit is protected by an SNCP.
SPLITTER The circuit is protected by the protect transponder (TXPP_MR_2.5G) splitter
protection. For splitter information, refer to the CiscoONS 15454 DWDM
Installation and Operations Guide.
Unknown A circuit has a source and destination on different nodes and communication is
down between the nodes. This protection type appears if not all circuit components
are known.
Unprot (black) A circuit with a source and destination on different nodes is not protected.
Unprot (red) A circuit created as a fully protected circuit is no longer protecte d due to a system
change, such as removal of a MS-SPRing or 1+1 protection group.
Y-Cable The circuit is protected by a transponder or muxponder card Y-cable protection
group. For more information, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Installation and
Operations Guide.