Chapter 5 Installing Memory in the Router
Closing the Router
Copyright (c) 2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
c3745 processor with 131072 Kbytes of main memory
Main memory is configured to 64 bit mode with parity disabled
Upgrade ROMMON initialized
Step 2 Reboot the router using the new ROM image:
Router # reload
This command will reload the router. Continue? [yes/no]: y
Step 3 Verify the ROM version:
Router # show rom-monitor
ReadOnly ROMMON version:
System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(4r)XT1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
TAC Support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
Copyright (c) 2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Upgrade ROMMON version:
System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(4r)XT1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
TAC Support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
Copyright (c) 2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Currently running ROMMON from Upgrade region
ROMMON from Upgrade region is selected for next boot
Step 4 Select the ROM image for next reboot:
Router # upgrade rom-monitor preference [readonly upgrade]
You are about to mark Upgrade region of ROMMON for the highest boot preference.
Proceed? [confirm] y
Done! Router must be reloaded for this to take affect.
Closing the Router
Caution Before closing the router make sure that all cables are securely tucked in and are not in danger of being pinched or cut.
Cisco 3600 Series Hardware Installation Guide
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