Obtaining updated Apple software
Apple software updates include all of the latest versions of Apple software, including most printer drivers, System Enablers, and updates to utilities, networking, and communication software.
IMPORTANT Be sure to read the posted Apple Software License Agreement before installing any software.
Currently, Apple’s Customer Service Division (CSD) posts Apple software updates to the following online services:
mInternet: Apple Computer Higher Education gopher server
mInternet: ftp.info.apple.com (formerly ftp.austin.apple.com)
mInternet: ftp.support.apple.com
Specific paths and details for each service follow.
Apple software updates are posted to the APPLE SW UPDATES board located in the following path:
AppleLink Services (main window)
Software Sampler
Apple SW Updates
Apple software updates are posted to the Apple Software Updates board located in the following path:
Computer Center
Apple Customer Center
Apple Software Updates