If you can’t find what you’re looking for in this index, look in Macintosh Guide— available in the Guide (h) menu on your computer.
AAUI network, connecting to 45 accent marks, typing
access covers for expansion slots 35, 134 active program 16, 49, 50
acute accent (´), typing 142 adapter for expansion card 129 ADB port. See Apple Desktop Bus
(ADB) port
America Online, obtaining Apple software updates 89
amplifier, connecting
contacting. See also troubleshooting
attaching devices to the internal SCSI interface 40
connecting additional equipment 33 disk initialization failure 92, 97 installing additional DRAM 44 installing expansion cards 129, 130 interference with radio and television
reception vi
lens cleaner for
equipment 117, 118
pointer doesn’t move when you move the mouse 74
problems ejecting a floppy disk 70, 122
problems opening tray of
problems starting up the computer 67 reinstalling system extensions or
application programs 100, 104 removing
replacing the clock battery 65 servicing the power supply 122
AppleCD Audio Player 56, 82 Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) port 8, 9,
35, 74
Apple Extensions Manager 49 Apple Extras folder
application programs contained in 47 as a source of help 19
AppleLink software updates, obtaining 86
Apple (K) menu, Key Caps program
Apple PlainTalk Microphone 2. See also microphone
AppleScript program 47
Apple software updates, obtaining