Internet: Apple Computer Higher Education gopher server
Apple recommends using TurboGopher client software to access the Apple Computer Higher Education gopher server. The “Apple Support Area” folder is located in the following path:
Home Gopher Server
Computer Information
Apple Computer Higher Education gopher server
Apple Support Area
Apple SW Updates
TurboGopher Client software is available via anonymous File Transfer Protocol (ftp) to boombox.micro.umn.edu in the /pub/gopher directory.
mHost name: info.hed.apple.com
Internet: ftp.info.apple.com
This is a File Transfer Protocol (ftp) server with all of the latest Apple software updates. (This ftp site was formerly called ftp.austin.apple.com)
mHost name: ftp.info.apple.com, IP number is:
mPath: ftp/Apple.Support.Area/Apple.SW.Updates
You can also download Apple software updates via Apple’s Worldwide Web server, www.info.apple.com. The Apple web site allows you an easy way to download Apple software updates from ftp.info.apple.com.
mURL for the Apple web site is: http://www.info.apple.com
mIP number for the Web site is: