After Disk First Aid starts, follow the instructions on the screen. Disk First Aid checks your hard disk for any problems.
3When Disk First Aid has finished checking your hard disk, choose Quit from the File menu.
4Open the Drive Setup program.
You use the Drive Setup program to update your hard disk.
5In the list of drives, click your startup disk.
6Pull down the Functions menu and choose Update Driver.
7When the update process is finished, quit Drive Setup.
8Shut down your computer.
9Start up your computer from disk 1 from your set of system software disks, or from the
See “Starting Up From a
The Installer’s Welcome screen appears. You may have to
10Click OK.
The Easy Install dialog box appears.
Disk on which system software will be installed
Click here to install on a different disk.
You may have a later version of system software.
Click here to install the software you need.