To use your programs most effectively, follow these guidelines:
mTo avoid installation problems, turn off virus protection programs and use Apple Extensions Manager to turn off system extensions (except for Macintosh Easy Open) before you install any software. To start Apple Extensions Manager, restart your computer while holding down the space bar. Use Apple Extensions Manager to turn off all system extensions except Macintosh Easy Open (this extension is needed to rebuild the desktop correctly). To turn extensions back on, use Apple Extensions Manager to turn them on, then restart your computer.
mPut only one copy of each program on your hard disk. Having more than one copy can cause errors.
mWhenever you copy a program disk to your hard disk, be careful not to copy a System Folder. Always check to see what you’ve copied, and drag any extra System Folders to the Trash.
mIf a program malfunctions consistently, try installing a fresh copy. If that doesn’t help, find out from the software manufacturer whether your version of the program is compatible with the hardware and system software you’re using.
Working with several programs at a time
Acheckmark indicates the active program.
You can open as many application programs and desk accessories as your computer’s memory allows.
All open programs are listed in the Application menu at the right end of the menu bar. The name of the active program (the one you’re using right now) has a checkmark next to it, and its icon appears in the menu bar.
The Finder icon
Commands to hide or display open windows
Open programs
Installing and Using Application Programs | 49 |