fatigue from computer use, avoiding 113, 115
FDDI networks 45 files. See also documents
backing up 51 file sharing
Finder activating 22, 29 icon 49
floppy disk drive illustration 34 installing (internal) 44
floppy disks backing up 51 can’t eject 70
can’t start up from 67 ejecting 122 format/density issues 69 guidelines for handling 119 repairing
starting up from 91 unreadable 69
Apple Extras 19,
Previous System Folder 103, 104 System Folder 49, 52, 84, 97,
Utilities 68, 92, 94, 96, 98, 101 Foreign File Access
extension 80 formatting a hard disk
furniture for computer use, arranging
graphics, Photo CD images as a source for 57
grave accent (`), typing 142 grounding the computer 3, 117 Guide (h) menu. See also
Macintosh Guide displaying 15, 16, 22 Hide Balloons command 30 Shortcuts command
hard disk backing up 51 icon 12, 17
icon does not appear on the desktop 68, 90, 93
hard disk drive connecting
hard disk space, using as memory 51
computer use
providers; Balloon Help; customer support hotline; Guide (h) menu; Macintosh Guide; troubleshooting
Hide Balloons command (Guide [h] menu) 30
Hide Others command (Application menu) 50
hiding/showing windows on the desktop 50
High Sierra
window 29