dampness, protecting the computer from 116, 117, 121
DAT drive, installing 44 Delete key 140 desktop
At Ease 71, 78
hard disk icon doesn’t appear 68 hiding/showing windows on 50 looks unusual 71, 78 rebuilding 64, 68, 75, 143
device drivers for SCSI devices, installing 41
diacritical marks, typing
disconnecting power to the computer 4 Disk First Aid program
disk repair/recovery programs 97 Disk Tools disk, starting up from
basic instructions 91
for troubleshooting 66, 67, 68, 70, 78 to use Disk First Aid 98, 101
to use Drive Setup 90, 94, 95 documents. See also files
can’t open 75, 76, 81 icons for 17
DOS disks, using in the Macintosh 69 DOS documents, problems opening on the Macintosh 75, 76
DRAM Dual Inline Memory Modules (DIMMs) 44
Drive Setup program initializing a hard disk 90, 92 making a hard disk available 68 overview 47
testing a hard disk
Easy Access 74
Easy Install dialog box 99, 102, 103 ejecting
floppy disks, problems with 122 electromagnetic emissions, health effects
of exposure to 115 Empty Trash command (Special
menu) 17
Enter key 140 equipment
arranging and adjusting for optimal use 112,
guidelines for handling
safety precautions 116 error messages. See under
Escape key 140 Ethernet cables 45 Ethernet network 45
connecting to
34, 35 expansion cards
installing 4,
expansion slots 129, 135 access covers for 35, 134
Extensions Manager control panel 72, 73 external stereo speakers, connecting
eye fatigue associated with computer use 111, 113, 115