network configuration problems 46 Photo CD problems 83
printer problems 85 restarting the computer
can’t restart after installing software for
can’t restart with
screen is dark 64 starting up
computer can’t find system software to start up 66
computer doesn’t recognize SCSI equipment 66
disk with an X appears on screen 67
“sad Macintosh” icon appears 67 turning on the computer 13 unusual desktop appears after
computer starts up 71, 78 system is “frozen” 61, 63, 73, 83 system software problems 66 working with programs
application won’t start or quits unexpectedly
can’t open a DOS document on the Macintosh 75, 76
compatibility issues with older Macintosh programs 77
performance problems 84
typing produces nothing on screen
turning off Easy Access 74
turning off system extensions. See system extensions
turning off the computer 18, 34, 116, 117, 140
turning on the computer 11, 13, 18, 34, 140
turning on the monitor 12
tutorial, starting the Macintosh Tutorial
typing produces nothing on screen 74
umlaut (¨), typing 142 unlocking the mouse 127 updated Apple software, obtaining
updating the hard disk 99, 102 Utilities folder
Disk First Aid program 96, 98, 101 Drive Setup program 68, 92, 94
ventilation for computer equipment 117, 118
video RAM (VRAM), expanding 44 viewing PhotoCD images 57 virtual memory 71
W, X, Y
warranty on computer 44 windows, viewing and moving 17 work space, arranging
zoom box, Macintosh Guide window 29