Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter1 Overview of CiscouBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Supported Software Features for the CiscouBR10012 Router
Cable Modem Call Status Flags:
H: Active high priority calls
R: Recent high priority calls
V: Active voice calls (including high priority)
MAC Address IP Address I/F Prim CMCallStatus LatestHiPriCall
Sid (min:sec)
0000.ca36.f97d C8/1/1/U0 5 V -
0000.cab7.7b04 C8/1/1/U0 18 RV 0:30
The following example illustrates a the end of the non-emergency voice call on the Cisco CMTS:
Router# show cable modem calls
Cable Modem Call Status Flags:
H: Active high priority calls
R: Recent high priority calls
V: Active voice calls (including high priority)
MAC Address IP Address I/F Prim CMCallStatus LatestHiPriCall
Sid (min:sec)
0000.cab7.7b04 C8/1/1/U0 18 R 0:36
•PacketCable and PacketCable Multimedia on the Cisco CMTS
•Cisco PacketCable Primer White Paper
Packetcable Multimedia for the Cisco CMTSCisco IOS Release 12.3(13a)BC introduces support for PacketCable Multimedia (PCMM) on the Cisco
uBR10012 universal broadband router, and fully supports the CableLabs PacketCable Multimedia
Specification, PKT-SP-MM-I02-040930.
As described by CableLabs, some key features of the PCMM service delivery framework include the
•Simple, powerful access to DOCSIS 1.1 QoS mechanisms supporting both time and volume-based
network resource authorizations
•Abstract, event-based network resource auditing and management mechanisms
•A robust security infrastructure that provides integrity and appropriate levels of protection across
all interfaces
More specifically, Cisco IOS Release 12.3(13a)BC expands or changes several PacketCable functions
in earlier Cisco IOS releases, including the following:
•Additional COPS Decision Messages—PCMM supports additional COPS decision messages, such
as the following. The new objects for messages, such as Gate-Set, Gate-Set-Ack and Gate-Info,
include different traffic profile definitions, different gate object formats, with additional objects for
gate state reporting and flow utilization.