Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
signal overview A-3
troubleshooting downstream CM signals 6-12
DSG 1.1 1-64
DSG 1.2 1-66
DSX Messages and Synchronized PHS Information 1-44
dynamic backoff algorithm 4-8
Dynamic Channel Change (DCC) for Loadbalancing 1-68
dynamic contention algorithms 4-7
dynamic map advance algorithm 4-8
dynamic modulation profiles 1-69
dynamic or mobile host support 1-88
dynamic ranging 1-90, 3-17
Dynamic SID/VRF Mapping Support 1-95
dynamic upstream modulation, overview 1-69
echo, IP broadcast and IP multicast 1-56
EEPROM, MAC address bank 2-14
Emergency 911
LC prioritization for PacketCable 1-81
services listing and history 1-82
enable password 2-3
enable secret password 2-3
encryption, BPI+ 1-30
Enhanced Rate Bandwidth Allocation (ERBA) 1-25
EXEC mode 2-3
Extended setup facility 1-16
FEC (forward error correction) 1-69, A-4
Cisco uBR10000 series slot numbering (front view,
without bezel) 1-6
Cisco uBR10000 series slot numbering (rear view) 1-7
classification within the MAC layer 1-36
DOCSIS two-way architecture A-2
Two-way Internet access network example 5-2
flap list (cable) 1-91
framing format, MPEG 3-9
frequency, setting upstream 3-20, 3-21
frequency override, downstream 1-67
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) Tunneling 1-96
Globally Configured HCCP 4+1 and 7+1
Redundancy 1-44
global parameters, configuring 2-8
hardware address 2-14
HCCP N+1 Redundancy 1-45
Automatic Revert Feature for HCCP N+1 Redundancy
Switchover Events 1-43
Backup Path Testing for RF Switch 1-43
Factory-Configured HCCP N+1 Redundancy 1-44
HCCP Timing and Error Enhancements 1-45
Shutdown and No Shutdown Enhancement for Cable
Interfaces 1-46
helper address, downstream 3-6, 3-7
High Availability Support for Encrypted IP
Multicast 1-46
host-to-host communication (Proxy ARP) 1-60, 3-26
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) A-3
IGRP (Internet Gateway Routing Protocol) 2-10
input power level, upstream 3-22
insertion interval, cable modem 4-7
Basic Wiretap Support 1-48
Cable Monitor Support 1-49
COPS Intercept 1-47
COPS TCP Support 1-50
Packet Intercept 1-54