Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter3 Configuring Cable Interface Features for the CiscouBR10012Router
Configuring Optional Cable Interface Features
Configuring Optional Cable Interface FeaturesThis section builds on the required cable interface features documented earlier in this chapter. This
section provides instructions for several optional cable interface configurations. These interface features
pertain to heightened performance and security measures.
Note Default settings are typically adequate to configure optional features on the system. Change default
settings only with careful prior analysis.
Activating Host-to-Host Communication (Proxy ARP)
Cable proxy ARP allows the CiscouBR10012router to issue cable ARP requests on behalf of CMs on
the same cable network subnet.
Note Because the downstream and upstreams are separate interfaces, modems cannot directly perform ARP
with other modems on the cable plant.
Note The default values for the commands used in this configuration task are adequate in most cases to
configure the CiscouBR10012router.
Activating Cable Proxy ARP Requests
To activate cable proxy ARP for host-to-host communications, use the following command in cable
interface configuration mode.
Section Purpose
“Activating Host-to-Host
Communication (Proxy ARP)” section
on page26
Allows the CiscouBR10012router to issue cable Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests on behalf of CMs on the
same cable network subnet.
“Activating Packet Intercept
Capabilities” section on page27 Specifies a MAC address on the cable network for which
interception capabilities are to be activated.
“Configuring Payload Header
Suppression and Restoration” section
on page27
Provides command information to set up the Payload Header
Suppression (PHS) feature, which is used to suppress
repetitive or redundant portions in packet headers before
transmission on the DOCSIS link.
“Setting Optional Broadcast and Cable
IP Multicast Echo” section on page28 Sets additional IP parameters to enable downstream echoing
of upstream data.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# cable proxy-arp Enables proxy ARP on the cable interface. This is the default.