Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter3 Configuring Cable Interface Features for the CiscouBR10012Router Configuring the Downstream Cable Interface
Activating Downstream PortsTo activate a downstream port on a CiscouBR10000series cableinterface card for digital data
transmissions over the HFCnetwork, complete the steps in the following table.
Verifying the Downstream Ports
To determine if the downstream carrier is active (up), enter the show controllers cable command for the
downstream port that you just configured. For National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) 6MHz
operations, see the following example:
Router# show controllers cable5/0/0 downstream
Cable5/0/0 Downstream is up
Frequency=96000000, Channel Width 6 MHz, 64-QAM, Symbol Rate 5.056941 Msps
FEC ITU-T J.83 Annex B, R/S Interleave I=32, J=4
Command Purpose
Step1 Router> enable
Password: password
Enters enable (privileged EXEC) mode.
Enter the password.
You have entered privileged EXEC mode when the
prompt displays the pound symbol (#).
Step2 Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with
Enters global configuration mode. You have entered
global configuration mode when the (config)#
prompt appears.
This command can be abbreviated to config t or conf
Step3 Router(config)# interface cable5/0/0
Router(config-if)# Enters cable interface configuration mode.
In this example, the interface is downstream port0
on the cableinterface card installed in slot1 of the
CiscouBR10000series CMTS.
Step4 Router(config-if)# cable downstream if-output
Router(config-if)# no cable downstream if-output
Default. Activates downstream digital data from the
Deactivates downstream digital data. This command
mutes the IF output of the cableinterface card and
shuts down the interfaces.
Step5 Router(config-if)# no shutdown Places the downstream port in the “admin up” state.
Step6 Router(config-if)# end
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
This message is normal and does not indicate an