Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter3 Configuring Cable Interface Features for the CiscouBR10012Router
Configuring the Downstream Cable Interface
Verifying Downstream Traffic shapingTo determine if downstream traffic shaping is configured and activated, enter the show running-config
command and look for the cable interface configuration information. If downstream traffic shaping is
configured and enabled, a traffic shaping entry appears in the output. If downstream traffic shaping is
disabled, no traffic shaping entry appears.
Router# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
interface cable5/0/0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
cable helper-address
no keepalive
cable downstream annex B
cable downstream modulation 64qam
Perform these steps if you are having difficulty with verification:
Step1 Ensure that the cable connections are not loose or disconnected.
Step2 Ensure that the cable interface line card is firmly seated in its chassis slot.
Step3 Ensure that the captive installation screws are tight.
Step4 Verify that you have entered the correct slot and port numbers.
Step5 Verify that you selected the default if you are not certain about the modulation rate needed.
Step6 Verify that the downstream carrier is active using the cable downstream if-output command.
Command Purpose
Step1 Router(config-if)# cable downstream
rate-limit token-bucket
Router(config-if)# cable downstream
rate-limit token-bucket shaping
Router(config-if)# cable downstream
rate-limit token-bucket shaping granularity 8
Router(config-if)# cable downstream
rate-limit token-bucket shaping max-delay 256
Enables traffic shaping on the downstream port using the token
bucket policing algorithm. With this command, the
CiscouBR10012router automatically drops packets that are in
violation of the allowable bandwidth.
Enables traffic shaping on the downstream port using the token
bucket policing algorithm with traffic shaping.
Enables traffic shaping on the downstream port using the token
bucket policing algorithm with specific traffic shaping time
granularity. Acceptable values are 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 milliseconds.
Enables traffic shaping on the downstream port using the token
bucket policing algorithm with specific maximum traffic shaping
buffering delay. Acceptable values are 128, 256, 512, or 1028
Step2 Router(config-if)# cable downstream
rate-limit weighted-discard 3 Enables traffic shaping on the downstream port using the
weighted discard algorithm and assigns a weight for the
exponential moving average of the loss rate. Acceptable values
are 1 to 4.
Step3 Router(config-if)# ^Z
Router# Exits back to EXEC mode so that you can verify the steps.