Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter1 Overview of CiscouBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Supported Software Features for the CiscouBR10012 Router
•ccsFlapListMaxSize—Reflects the flap list size, as configured by the cable flap-list size command.
•ccsFlapListCurrentSize—Reflects the current size of the flap list for each MAC domain
Note Refer to the Cisco CMTS Universal Broadband Router MIB Specifications Guide on Cisco.com for
additional information and MIBs constraints.
CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIBCisco IOS Release 12.3(9) introduces support for the CISCO-CABLE-SPECTRUM-MIB on the Cisco
uBR10012 universal broadband router. The CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIB enables you to
monitor CPU and memory utilization for “intelligent” line cards and broadband processing engines on
the Cisco uBR10012 router. These include the Cisco MC16X and MC28X series line cards.
Note Refer to the Cisco CMTS Universal Broadband Router MIB Specifications Guide on Cisco.com for
additional information and MIBs constraints.
CISCO-PROCESS-MIBCisco IOS Release 12.3(9) introduces support for the CISCO-PROCESS-MIB on the Cisco uBR10012
universal broadband router with PRE2 modules.The CISCO-PROCESS-MIB enables you to monitor
CPU and memory utilization for RF cards, cable interface line cards and broadband processing engines
on the Cisco uBR10012 router.
Note Refer to the Cisco CMTS Universal Broadband Router MIB Specifications Guide on Cisco.com for
additional information and MIBs constraints.
DOCS-QOS-MIBCisco IOS Release 12.3(9) introduces additional MIB object enhancements for the DOCS-QOS-MIB on
the Cisco uBR10012 universal broadband router:
•Updated with the DOCSIS operations support system interface (OSSI) v2.0-N-04.0139-2.
•The default values of docsQosPktClassIpSourceMask and docsQosPktClassIpDestMask objects are
set to 0xFFFFFFFF.
Note Refer to the Cisco CMTS Universal Broadband Router MIB Specifications Guide on Cisco.com for
additional information and MIBs constraints.
DSG-IF-MIBThe DSG-IF-MIB defines objects that are used to configure, control, and monitor the operation of the
DOCSIS Set-top Gateway (DSG) 1.0 feature on CiscouBR7200 series and CiscouBR10012 routers.
Note The MODULE-IDENTITY for the DSG-IF-MIB is dsgIfMib, and its top-level OID is (iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.cisco.ciscoMgmt.dsgIfMib). Because this is
an experimental MIB, its top-level OID is expected to change when the DSG specifications are finalized.