Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
downstream, activating 3-4
downstream, verifying 3-4
overview 1-61
Proxy ARP 1-60, 3-26
CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) 1-61
DNS (Domain Name System) 1-61
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) A-3
IGRP (Internet Gateway Routing Protocol) 2-10
IP v4/v5 1-61
RIP (Routing Information Protocol) 2-10
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 1-61
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) 1-61
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) 1-61
Proxy ARP 1-60, 3-26
PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) A-2
PXF ARP Filter 1-54
PXF Divert Rate Limiting 1-54
QQAM (quadrature amplitude modulation) A-3, A-5
QoS (quality of service)
DOCSIS 1.0 support 1-21
DOCSIS 1.1 support 1-35
policy propagation on BGP A-3
QPSK (quadrature phase shift keying) A-5
Quality of Service (QoS)
DOCSIS 1.1 1-35
Rrate limiting
DOCSIS 1.1 1-37
downstream 1-37, 3-9, 3-10
upstream 1-24, 1-37, 3-24, 3-25
registration timeout 1-59, 4-7
RIP (Routing Information Protocol) 2-10
router, overview of Cisco uBR10000 series 1-5
routing protocols
supported 1-61
Ssample configuration files 2-17
DOCSIS 1.1 scheduling information 1-41
scrambler, activating 3-16
Secure Socket Layer Server for Usage-Based Billing 1-76
DOCSIS 1.0 BPI 1-19
DOCSIS 1.1 BPI+ 1-29, 1-30
replacing or recovering a lost password 2-4
setting password protection 2-3
Service Identifier A-3
Service Independent Intercept 1-55
Setup facility 1-16, 2-8
show commands
show cable modem command 1-32, 6-13
show cable qos profile 1-25
show cable tech-support 1-17
show controller cx/0 upstream command 1-79
show controllers cable 1-17
show running-config command 3-10, 3-16
show tech-support 1-17
understanding show command responses 6-2
SID (service ID) 1-23, A-3
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 1-77
slot numbering, Cisco uBR10000 Series 1-6
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 1-61
Spectrum Management
Advanced 1-77
spectrum management, overview 1-77
SSM Mapping 1-57
statistical counters 1-79
status, cable interface 2-15
subscriber management, DOCSIS 1.1 1-38