Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter1 Overview of CiscouBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Supported Software Features for the CiscouBR10012 Router

Optional Upstream Scheduler Modes

With this feature, the user is able to select either Unsolicited Grant Services (UGS) or Real Time Polling
Service (rtPS) scheduling types, as well as packet-based or TDM-based scheduling. Low latency
queueing (LLQ) emulates a packet-mode-like operation over the Time Division Multiplex (TDM)
infrastructure of DOCSIS. As such, the feature provides the typical tradeoff between packets and TDM:
with LLQ, the user has more flexibility in defining service parameters for UGS or rtPS, but with no
guarantee (other than statistical distribution) regarding parameters such as delay and jitter.
To ensure proper operation, Call Admission Control (CAC) must be enabled. When the Low
Latency Queueing (LLQ) option is enabled, it is possible for the upstream path to be filled with so
many calls that it becomes unusable, making voice quality unacceptable. CAC must be used to limit
the number of calls to ensure acceptable voice quality, as well as to ensure traffic other than voice
Even if CAC is not enabled, the default (DOCSIS) scheduling mode blocks traffic after a certain
number of calls.
Unsolicited Grant Services with Activity Detection (UGS-AD) and Non Real Time Polling Service
(nrtPS) are not supported.

New and Changed Commands

cable upstream n scheduling type
Use this new command to turn the various scheduling modes on or off, where n specifies the upstream
Router(config-if)# [no] cable upstream n scheduling type [ugs | rtps] mode [llq | docsis]
For additional information about scheduler enhancements on the Cisco CMTS, refer to the following:
Cisco CMTS Feature Guide Configuring Upstream Scheduler Modes on the Cisco CMTS
DOCSIS 1.1 for the Cisco CMTS
High Availability Features
Several powerful High Availability features are supported on the Cisco uBR10012 router:
Automatic Revert Feature for HCCP N+1 Redundancy Switchover Events
Backup Path Testing for the Cisco RF Switch
DSX Messages and Synchronized PHS Information
Factory-Configured HCCP N+1 Redundancy
Globally Configured HCCP 4+1 and 7+1 Redundancy on the Cisco uBR10012 Router
HCCP N+1 Redundancy Supporting DOCSIS 1.1 for the Cisco CMTS
HCCP Timing and Error Enhancements in HCCP Redundancy Show Commands