E – 8
File name : CBM_SR285,A_HDBSR285T19_English.doc
version : 2010/04/26
• Compound functions are executed from right to left.
• Anything contained within parentheses receives the
highest priority.
Accuracy And Capacity
Output digits : Up to 10 digits
Calculating digits : Up to 24 digits
In general, every reasonable calculation is displayed up to 10 digits
mantissa, or 10-digits mantissa plus 2-digits exponent up to 10 ± 99.
Numbers used as input must be within the range of the given
function as follow :
Functions Input range
sin x
cos x
tan x
Deg : x < 4.5 x 10 10 deg
Rad : x < 2.5 x 10 8πrad
Grad : x < 5 x 10 10 grad
however, for tan x
Deg : x 90 (2n+1)
Rad : x 2
π (2n+1)
Grad : x 100 (2n+1), (n is an integer)
sin –1 x, cos –1 x x 1
tan –1 x x < 1 x 10 100
sinh x, cosh x x 230.2585092
tanh x x < 1 x 10 100
sinh –1 x x < 5 x 10 99
cosh –1 x 1 x < 5 x 10 99
tanh –1 x x < 1
log x, ln x 1 x 10 –99 x < 1 x 10 100
10 x –1 x 10 100 < x < 100
e x –1 x 10 100 < x 230.2585092
x 0 x < 1 x 10 100
x 2 x < 1 x 10 50
x -1 x < 1 x 10 100, x 0
x ! 0 x 69, x is an integer.