Understanding Computer Terms
A list of options that drops down when you click a menu name on the menu bar or click the down arrow on a dialog box.
DSL (digital subscriber line)
A telephone line that carries both voice and data signals, allowing you to talk on the phone and surf the Internet at the same time. The data part of the line, which is continuously connected to the Internet, allows
DSL modem
A modem that connects to the Internet using digital subscriber line service through an existing copper telephone line.
A drive that reads DVDs.
Messages sent over the Internet.
To translate data into a secret code. You must have access to a secret key or password to read an encrypted file. See secure Web site<.
See Microsoft Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer.
fax modem
A modem that allows your computer to transmit and receive faxes. It can transmit documents to fax machines and other computers with fax modems. It can broadcast a fax to several sites at once.
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