Understanding Computer Terms
Microsoft Internet Explorer
A Web browser developed by the Microsoft Corporation. See browser.
Microsoft Windows
The most popular computer operating system in the world. It is characterized by the use of windows and icons. Each running program and open file has its own window. Instead of memorizing commands, you click icons to communicate with the computer. Clicking the Minimize button shrinks a program to a button on the taskbar. Clicking the button again displays the program as a window. You can have several windows open at the same time and toggle from one to another by using Alt+Tab (press and hold down the Alt key, press the Tab key, and then release both keys). A palette with an icon for each program is displayed. Click the icon for the program you want.
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
(pronounced middy). A file format used to store electronic music sounds. A sound card that supports MIDI files allows the computer to generate the synthesized musical sounds found in games,
MIDI connector
A connector on the back of the computer for plugging in a synthesizer keyboard. A MIDI connector allows you to record sounds created by a synthesizer and then manipulate the data to produce new sounds, such as changing the key of a composition. See MIDI. See also music software.
To shrink a running program window into an icon on the Windows taskbar by clicking the Minimize
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